ACCURATE S-T-D TEST & RESULT: Our labs are CLIA-certified and HIPAA compliant, which ensures you get results you can trust. All results are reviewed by our independent physicians who specialize in S-T-D diagnostic testing. Tests are as accurate as those performed in Hospitals or Doctor's clinics.
HOW DOES 247LABKIT WORK: A discreetly packaged 247Labkit S-T-D Testing Kit is mailed to you. Register your kit on the 247labkit website. Follow the instructions to collect your urine sample. Use your free-return shipping-label and box to post back your sample to our lab for testing. Get lab-certified results just in days.
WHEN SHOULD I TEST FOR S-T-Ds: Order a 247Labkit if you're experiencing symptoms of an S-T-D, have a new partner, frequently engage in physical relations, had unprotected sexual contact, or simply for peace of mind.
Testing for sexually transmitted diseases can now be done on your own terms. You have the right to privacy, convenience, and dependable results. Say goodbye to clinics!
WHAT IF MY RESULTS ARE POSITIVE: Prescriptions for positive results are dependent on the Buyer's location. However, we can provide you with resources to ensure you receive the care you need for a cure.